Webinar: Funding Opportunities to Conserve and Restore Tribal Forestland
Webinar: Funding Opportunities to Conserve and Restore Tribal Forestland
January 17, 2023; 10 a.m. (Mountain)
A conversation with the USDA Forest Service and special guests about how the Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program, Landscape Scale Restoration, and Recreation Economy for Rural Communities can be used as tools to conserve and restore forestland and cultural resources and in turn support Tribal tourism and recreation efforts.
The Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program (Community Forest Program) of the Forest Service offers a unique opportunity for communities to acquire and conserve forests that provide public access and recreational opportunities, as well as, protect vital water supplies and wildlife habitat. The Landscape Scale Restoration Program promotes collaborative, restoration of priority forest landscapes. Join us as the USFS explains how these programs can help build tourism and recreation efforts in your area.
Thanks to the U.S. Forest Service for their support.

Dan Goldeen

Nancy Stremple

Gabe grew up in Bethel, ME. In 2011, Gabe started as a founding board member of Inland Woods + Trails and since 2014, has served as the Executive Director. In that time, he has led the organizations efforts to acquire the 1500 acre Bethel Community Forest, steward and develop 85 miles of trails at 21 locations across 10,000 acres in nine communities throughout Oxford County, Maine. Gabe holds a degree in Environmental Policy and Planning from the University of Maine at Farmington. He serves as co-coordinator of the Maine Trails Coalition, is a Senior Fellow in the Environmental Leadership Program, and an alumnus of the Community Practitioners Network. He can sometimes be found patiently renovating his grandparents’ old home in Bethel with his wife, Jessie, dogs Champ, Mike, and cat, Indiana Jones.
Gail E. Chehak, (Klamath), Tribal Relations and Outreach Manager, AIANTA
Gail is AIANTA’s Tribal Relations & Outreach Manager working to cultivate partnerships and support. Gail has worked the National Congress of American Indians, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, where she co-authored Native Peoples of the NW: A Traveler’s Guide to Land, Art & Culture. She has served as Assistant Manager of the Indian Craft Shop at the Department of Interior and Executive Director of Indian Art Northwest and Indian Arts and Crafts Association.