Five Reasons to Visit Indian Country in 2017

In supporting the U.S. Travel Association’s “Project: Time Off,” AIANTA is encouraging you all to take some time off, get out there, and experience something new. With our five reasons to visit Indian Country in 2017, you’ll definitely be putting that time off to good use.

Project: Time Off is a leading national movement to transform American attitudes and change behavior around time off.

Vacation comes with countless benefits – including health and happiness – so why not take that well deserved vacation time, and use it to visit Indian Country?

Five Reasons to Visit Indian Country in 2017:

here are five reasons why… but there are countless more!

1. Explore the taste of Native foods

2. Learn the stories of America’s first peoples, from America’s first peoples

3. Experience an off-the-beaten-path adventure – you may just discover a new perspective on a place you think you’ve already seen

4. Find one of a kind, authentically made artwork and keepsakes

5. See landscapes unparalleled in their beauty

Looking for inspiration for your trip to Indian Country? Visit and plan your trip now!