by | Aug 12, 2021 | FY2021 Webinars
Bridge of the Gods, Columbia River Columbia River Salmon Historic and Culinary Trails Columbia River Salmon Historic and Culinary Trails Lewis and Clark were amazed by the dip net fishing by the tribes along the Columbia River. Today’s tribes (Yakama, Umatilla,...
by | Jul 29, 2021 | FY2021 Webinars
Poeh Cultural Center: Supporting Tribal Arts and Tourism In 1988, the Poeh Cultural Center & Museum was established as a “gathering place” and a way to promote Pueblo arts and culture. Owned and operated by the Pueblo of Pojoaque, the Poeh Cultural Center is a...
by | Jul 2, 2021 | FY2021 Webinars
Developing Regional Alliances for Cooperative Marketing A strategic approach to destination marketing includes bringing together partners under one collaborative umbrella to ensure a wider reach for all stakeholders. How can a tribe work collectively to promote...
by | Jun 30, 2021 | FY2021 Webinars
Powwows and Cultural Tourism Tuesday, July 27, 2021; 10 a.m. MDT Powwows are held across the country, honoring songs, dance, art and culture with many adding races, traditional games and more. More than ever, they are drawing tribal visitors as well as visitors from...
by | Jun 4, 2021 | FY2021 Webinars
Photo Credit: Diana Volk, Official Photographer, Horse Nations Indian Relay Council The Excitement of Indian Relay Horse Racing The Excitement of Indian Relay Horse Racing As one of America’s oldest-known sporting competitions, Indian Relay dates back more than 400...
by | May 7, 2021 | FY2021 Webinars, Lewis & Clark
Photo Credit: Above Lewis &; Below: Nez Perce Canoe Camp, NPS Voices Along the Lewis & Clark Trail Webinar: Voices Along the Lewis & Clark Trail More than 200 years ago, Captain Merriweather Lewis and Second Lieutenant William Clark set out on a...