Business of Art Seminar
Monday, October 28 – 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Arts are an important part of tourism in every community. Native art exhibitions, art markets and demonstrations can drive visitation and keep revenue in the community. This seminar is designed for artists and tribal arts administrators to share their programs and tips on building tribal arts programs. Presentations include creating working with galleries and museums, organizing local arts markets and building partnerships to promote the arts, creating arts tours and opportunities for artist working with public lands agencies.
Moderators: Lorraine Gala-Lewis (Laguna/Taos/Hopi) and Savannah Sparvier (Lakota, Hunkpapa) of AIANTA
Billie Jean Guerrero, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Museum and Visitors Center
Loren Aragon, Fashion Designer and Co-Founder, ACONAV
Halle Butvin, Director of Special Projects, Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Randi Barreiro, Marketing Specialist, Akwesasne Travel
Bruce Rettig, AIANTA Partner Program Coordinator
Eric Villegas, AIANTA Partner Program Coordinator
Seminar Fee: $50
*Free to Artisan Exhibitors and Full Conference Registrants
Attention AITC Attendees who are artists: AIANTA has hired a professional photographer who will take photos of artists and their works at the conference. Bring a couple of samples of your work and get a free headshot and images of your work. Simply make an appointment with the contact below.
For more information contact:
Savannah Sparvier
Native Arts & Culture Coordinator